Thursday, July 20, 2006


Step 4 of “What’s Life All About?” includes Ecclesiastes 2:26, which seems more understandable out of the NLT than HCSB. The last sentence is what seems out of place. God is doing the giving, so why is that futile (vaporous, meaningless, useless, etc.)?

Question: Are you studying the Bible, or are you studying the Quarterly?

1 comment:

servingHim said...

Well, the New Century Version of the Bible has a more understandable reading of Eccl 2:26, which is:

"If people please God, God will give them wisdom, knowledge, and joy. But sinners will get only the work of gathering and storing wealth that they will have to give to the ones who please God. So all their work is useless, like chasing the wind."

The last sentence of the verse makes sense in this reading.