Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Due to unforeseen demands on my time, I will be unable to post again this week. Please take advantage of all the links on the right side of the page to very helpful lesson commentaries.

God bless all of you, and don't start any fights while I'm out!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for being a good shepherd and letting us know that you will not be posting, and for directing us to other resources.

Praying for you and your situation will keep us busy and leave no time for fighting.

I appreciate your dedication to this site as I have become quite dependent on it. I hope all is well but I'm concerned because nothing has ever prevented you from posting. Take Care.

servingHim said...

Thanks Ethel and Dillon for your remarks and prayers. I apologize for not planning better, but the time I normally spend blogging was chewed up preparing an exam and traveling. I was unable to write, but you were in my prayers.