Monday, October 30, 2006

Exercise Confidence

As we start this week on the lesson, “Exercise Confidence” from Hebrews 10:19-39, I want to mention that preparation is not always a smooth process for me.

I start by reading the material, but for some reason, the main teaching points don’t stick with me. I may end the week with these same points I read at first, but I seem to go thru a process of considering other ideas before finally settling on “my lesson.”

Sometimes I start off very sure about a passage thinking it will be easy to teach. Then as the week progresses my confidence wanes. Visions of how I will present a passage rush thru my mind at first, but later seem inappropriate for some good reason. Eventually, I knuckle down and get very focused on the passage, and try to answer the question “what does this passage say to us today?”

I’m looking forward to exercising confidence this week as I prepare, but the process is an up and down, back and forth journey for me. I’m curious about what works for you?


Anonymous said...

The first thing I do is just read the lesson, and when doing this, I have to remind myself to just read without thinking about ways to present the material, because so many ideas come to mind. Then, I let my mind process the information for a day or so before getting into the real planning, which is much like you describe. I depend on your site more than you could imagine. You make lesson planning much easier for us!!!
I've never shared this before, but on rare occasions when a lesson really challenges me, I spend most of Saturday in bed under the covers praying and waiting. It is amazing how this helps me to focus and put the lesson into perspective later in the day when I do the final preparations.

servingHim said...

ethel, I don't get under the covers, but I have a special chair I go to and when I take a seat there, it's all about business with God and what he has to say to me.

Do you use PowerPoint? I am using it, but it sometimes is a distractor to me. I'm not sure it is to the class, but it detrails my train of thought many times.

servingHim said...

Dillon, ethel,

Thanks to both of you for your encouraging words. May God bless you this week as He prepares you to teach His Word.


servingHim said...


When my girls were young we didn't participate in halloween. Instead we took them to alternative parties arranged at the church.

Jesus taught the importance of inner motive and attitude, and not just behaving a certain way for outward appearance sake. I'm referring to a matter of conscience and not to a matter of God's moral will, in which case we must be obedient. I personally don't want to do anything that would glorify the power of evil, even if it is done in a light hearted, party spirit. Just my 2 cents.

We have freedom of conscience under Christ because we know that He is the one that santifies us, we do not achieve that on our own.

There are so many perspectives from which to consider your question that I don't think I can do it justice in a simple post. For example, one perspective is this: how does participating in halloween, or not participating support your role as a father with a responsibility to train your children? Either way you'll send them a message, so it should be one that you want to send and not the other way around.

Anyway, in matters like this I tend to seek wisdom from Scripture, from those in authority over me (like my pastor), my wife, and much prayer before making up my mind.

I pray that God will lead you into understanding of His will for you in this matter. May the wisdom you exercise move (or grow) you closer to the character of the Lord.


Anonymous said...

I started using this site a few weeks ago, as I searched for the more ways to present the lesson to my class each week. I really want to make an impact on this group. I recently moved from an older group to a younger one and I feel a little out of place. Anyway, I do the same thing, all week I study different points and try to find the best way to make it applicable to TODAY. Most of the weeks,I wind up praying Sunday morning that God will move me out of the way and allow the Holy Spirit to teach. He allways does, If I will let him. Thanks for your in sight each week.

servingHim said...

Welcome aboard 'anonymous'! Your change sounds challenging! We try not to target a particular age range, but I'm sure that unconsciously there is a slant toward teachers of adults over 40.

But post your suggestions anyway! Also, please post teaching suggestions even after the fact. Some churches don't stay locked on the quarterly schedule, and it's not unusual for them to be behind.

Anyway, it is good to have you!


Anonymous said...

Hi "Annonymous",
What age was the older group you taught? I teach an older older group, ages range from 50-94. I could use any wisdom and advice you offer!!!