Friday, April 27, 2007

Humbling experience

Commenting on “Act with Humility”, Dr. Sam Tullock wondered why Peter included the phrase: “a witness of the sufferings of Christ”. He speculates that Peter recalled his own human weakness and the “circumstances of his greatest failure.” After emphatically declaring he would rather die first, Peter denied knowing Christ three times before the cock crowed just as Jesus predicted.

How humiliating that must have been for Peter. It’s said that others taunted him by whispering, “cock-a-doodle-do” as he passed by.

Hearing this mocking makes me weep at the thought of my own failures, but I thank God for a loving Savior—Jesus Christ.


Cameron said...

Something to ponder: "Humble yourselves [by] casting all your anxieties on him..." (1 Pet 5:6-7). Put another way, the proud don't rely on God but on themselves. Cross reference that with Isa 51:12: "who are you that you are afraid of man who dies." Or my translation: "who do you think you are being afraid of a man?" So, fear of man is a sign of pride?!

Ouch! My toes!

servingHim said...

Hey Cameron!

Good to hear from you man! Yes, I think I understand what you are saying. Pride is so sneaky, it can creep in anytime--just like evil.

The Holman Bible Dictionary defines humility as a personal quality that shows dependence on God and respect for others. "Showing dependence on God" would seem to preclude fear, but "respect for others" might include some element of fear.

So I'm not sure that all fear embodies some element of pride, but I do understand your point, that there are situations where fear is a demonstration of pride.

Again, it's good to hear from you.