Monday, January 21, 2008

Do you trust the Lord’s Promises

In the title of this week’s lesson, “Do you trust the Lord’s Promises,” the word trust grabs my attention. In Genesis 15:1-6, Abram believed God, but in verse 8, he ask the Lord God, “how am I to know…?”.

Abram wanted to move beyond trust to a place of knowing. At that point the LORD made a covenant with Abram (see Genesis 15:9-21).

As many Christians are, I am like Abram. I want to know rather than trust. Trusting is risky. Knowing offers certainty.

Manchester Baptist Church offers straight forward questions for this lesson that you might consider using as a 'pretest' to be given at the start of your lesson. Review the answers after your lesson.

What prevents us from trusting God's promises? (15:2-3)

How should we respond when God's promises have not materialized after many years of waiting? (16:2)

How should we respond to God when He fulfills His promises? (17:17-18)

Whom did Abram want to designate as his heir? (15:2-3)

Whom did Abram take as a wife at Sarai's request? (16:2-3)

By what name did the Lord identify Himself when He appeared to the 99-year-old Abram? (17:1)

What is the meaning of the name Isaac? (17:19)

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