Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Evidence of Spiritual Growth

According to Genesis 32:7, when Jacob faced a crisis, he was “greatly afraid and distressed.” At first he made a plan to divide into two camps, which would guarantee the survival of at least half of his family. Concern for others is one way of demonstrating spiritual growth.

Later, he prayed to the LORD. This signaled another way in which he was “Growing Spiritually Through Crises.” We can’t put marks on a wall showing spiritual growth, for example, like we do to show growth in height. So how do we determine spiritual growth? Some possible examples of spiritual growth include: being encouraged by the truth found in God’s word, demonstrating a voluntary concern for the well being of others, performing acts of service in the name of the Lord, praying continually?

To be more systematic, make a list of 'evidences for spiritual growth' (see p. 32) found in Transformational Discipleship, by Sneed and Edgemon, LifeWay Press. Use this list to help class members apply the meaning of spiritual growth.

Why not publish your list as a comment to this post? I know that others would appreciate it!

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