Friday, February 03, 2006

From a distance

In concluding his remarks on this lesson “Guard Your Actions”, I admire Dr. Sam Tullock for stating that he “may not always fall in the category of the ‘stronger brother.’” We all can admit to that, I think. The most mature believers in terms of years of service to Christ may be the weakest of believers when it comes to understanding and applying Christian liberty. Are you quick to second-guess the actions of others? What barriers do you erect that separates you from other Christians? Are these barriers matters of Christian liberty? Has God ever changed your mind about another Christian so that you now love that person as a brother or sister in Christ? What did you do to seek harmony in the relationship?

I’ve second guessed others at times, or declared the unacceptability of their public actions. I decided with little real information that the person angered me as a Christian (eg, a supposedly Christian lawyer, judge, reporter, politician, businessperson, teacher, etc.). Knowing them only from a distance, I held firm to an attitude of dislike. However, as God allowed me to get to know these people through personal contact, I realized the wrongness of my predisposition. In the context of this lesson, my attitude was the barrier I erected and it separated me from other Christians. Does this make sense to you? Close the lesson by having each member pray silently for another member in the class.

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