Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Uncomfortable load

Step 2 of “Do you think you are unaccountable?” is based on Isaiah 17:1-3. The Lifeway material summarizes it with the heading “The Powerful Are Accountable.” Isaiah prophesied the destruction of Syria and Israel (the northern kingdom), which happened in 732 BC and 722 BC. We conclude that God did hold those nations accountable even though they behaved as if they were unaccountable.

Randy "Duke" Cunningham loved to hold people accountable, but the powerful congressman recently found out how uncomfortable accountability can be. Read elements of this story to introduce the idea of accountability focus after you set the context of the key verses and comment on them. What illustration are you going to use in Step 2?

Idle question: If you could use any other verse in Isaiah 13:1-23:18 to make the point that the powerful are accountable, what would you recommend?

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