Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Good person killed

Step 2 of LifeWay’s Explore the Bible lesson “Respond with Faith” focuses on verses Job 1:1-3. What is the writer’s purpose in selecting Job with his piety and prosperity? We can infer from a Jewish perspective on Job that he was a righteous man.

Since Job was viewed as a righteous person, what explanation can we give for his life going wrong? If he was a ‘sinner’, for example, and something went wrong in his life, we might easily explain it. Right? Let something bad happen to a ‘righteous’ person, however, and explanations are not so easy to come by. In that case, more often than not, we tend to question God. We should question, however, human explanations for suffering.

How can we challenge members to see that their causal explanations might be in error? For example, collect several stories of people who have been killed recently and almost invariably, the story will quote someone saying, “he/she was a good person”. Ask, members why people feel compelled to mention, “he/she was a good person”?

Here are some example articles (look for the phrase “good person”).

Tampabay rapper
Good Samaritan
Kansas sheriff
Pittsburg pursuit

Try taking the good person test?

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