Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Right perspective

The focal verse for Step 3 of LifeWay’s Explore the Bible lesson “Respond with Faith” is Job 1:8. The main point to me is that Job has a right perspective of good and evil, or God and Satan. No matter what happens in his life, He fears God and hates evil (Prov 8:13a).

Yesterday, I noted how people are quick to say, “he/she was a good person” when someone dies unexpectedly. Why? A belief exists that they didn’t deserve it (whereas if they were not a ‘good person’, the untimely death could be explain as ‘deserved’).

In this step, focus on contrasting Job’s right perspective about God and Satan verses that of people today when something bad happens. For example, people from Indonesia attribute their trouble to God. How do they know it didn’t come from Satan? On the other hand, Wendy Rietvelt “thought God’s hand protected (her son)” during an attack. Does this imply that God chose not to protect the other people who died in the attack? Did Satan guide the attackers? What would Job have said in these examples?

Which image has the right perspective?


SirMax said...

I am the Wendy you quoted in your blog. I truly believe that God protected my son in the attack. Do I believe that God didn't protect the others? Good question. I believe God is in control of everything. Why He chose to allow 4 people to die that day and my son was not one of them is only for Him to know right now. I have a problem with giving satan too much credit for things. I know that satan is much stronger than man but he has no power when compared to God.

Your blog is very interesting. Glad I found it.

servingHim said...

Thanks Wendy for your post. Like you, I believe God is sovereign and in some way we must acknowledge that God allowed your son to be protected, but not the others. It is very hard for us to understand "why" somethings happen, but in the end Job discovered that we must serve God regardless of his circumstance.

Thanks for stopping by!