Thursday, May 04, 2006

Unjust suffering

Step 4 of “Recognize God’s Ways” is based on Isaiah 53:7-9 and emphasizes that “God may use undeserved suffering” as a means to reach people. Jesus also suffered unjustly as an example for us according to 1 Peter 2:21-24. Read Genesis 39-40 to see how Joseph suffered unjustly as an illustration of God’s ways.

When we suffer unjustly (say from false accusation), we can better identify with Christ by growing more like Him. John Piper explains How to Suffer for Doing What is Right. Take note of his discussion of 1 Peter 2:19 to explain why one is able to bear unjust suffering.

Cover the following simple True/False quiz taken from here.

T F You should never try to escape from unjust suffering (Luke 4:28-30; Acts9:23-25, 28-30. Also Matthew 2:13-15; Acts 12:6-11, 23:1-10)

T F God intends any suffering you experience and does not want to pray for or seek escape from it. (Psalm 109:21-31; 116:1-11; Matthew 26:39, 41.)

T F You may always seek to know what purpose God might have for your suffering. (Proverbs 16:4; John 15:15.)

T F There is no such thing as unjust suffering; you are a sinner, so you deserve your suffering. (Matthew 2:16, Luke 13:1-5, John 15:18-19, 2Timothy 3:13.)

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