Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Half-full attitude

To learn to respond to a God-given opportunity, which is Step 2 of “Seizing New Opportunities”, we have to first learn to recognize an opportunity when presented to us.

We are numbed by everyday activities and tend to miss what might be happening around us. Since God operates thru the local church, make a list of activities happening in your church. For example, in my church we are anticipating the arrival of a new pastor. That would be an opportunity on my list.

Present your list of ‘what’s happening’ to members and ask them to rate each one with the symbol “half-full”, or “half-empty”. The half-full rating indicates the opportunity is on the way up, whereas, the half-empty rating indicates the opportunity has past its peak and is on the way down. Summarize the ratings verbally, but point out how they indicate one’s attitude. Learning to react positively will help us be open to opportunities as God presents them to us.


servingHim said...

Dillon you ask good questions! My statement about “operating thru the local church” comes from various passages of Scripture. For example, read Acts 1:20-26 and see how God worked among the 120 believers to select Matthias. Read in Acts 6:1-7 how the first deacons were chosen by God working thru the local church. In Acts 10, believers approved acceptance of new members. In Acts 15:22, the whole church participated in selecting those that would travel with Paul and Barnabas. There are other examples, but I think you get the idea. Read Philippians 2:13. God is at work in the members of the local body to accomplish His will (see some of these references: Rom 12:4-6, 1 Cor 12:12-14, 18, 24, 27, Eph 1:22-23, 4:11-13). Hope this helps. Maybe another reader has some better examples?

Anonymous said...

Tithes and offerings to the local church provides is another example.

Anonymous said...

try again.
Tithes and offerings to the local church provides opportunity to reach others is another example.