Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Short memory

Malachi describes what matters most to God, but ancient Israel was self-centered (as are people today).

It seems that we humans, in spite of our intelligence, suffer from an easily caught disease of ingratitude. Regardless of how much God blesses, it seems that we shortly forget it, and turn to complaining and whining. With respect to the Lord, we quickly forget Him and adopt an attitude of "What have you done for me lately?" as can be illustrated here and by this article. How would illustrate the short memory we humans have?

The LifeWay lesson “Love Wholeheartedly” is based on Malachi, chapter 1. On my PowerPoint slides, I will highlight the “assertion”, the “question”, the “defense”, and the “proof” to help members understand how to read Malachi’s style of writing. The idea is pictured in the slide below.

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