Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I forgot to pray

The lesson, “Learning about God’s faithfulness” teaches us that God is faithful regardless of our circumstances, even when we fail to pray.

If you google the phrases, “I forgot to pray”, or “I did not pray”, you’ll get tens of thousands of search results. I point this out to illustrate that we often fail to pray as Christians about the safety of a loved one, some issue in our lives, or a particular circumstance. Yet, things work out okay. Why is that? Well, it illustrates how God is faithful even when we go about our lives oblivious to His involvement.

How many times have your class members failed to pray in some situation, but God was nevertheless faithful? What a God we serve!


Jim said...

We have a nice lesson this week. You are looking good as usual.

Thought you might like to know, I Googled “I forgot to pray” and you were Number Two on the list of 42,500.
Maybe you knew that.

servingHim said...


Too funny, Jim. I didn't know that, but should've anticipated Google's efficiency!

Hope you are all healed up by now.


Hal Harris said...

Just want to jump in here again and say "Thanks". It's been awhile since I have told you that, and perhaps you don't realize how much help your posts and various web-links have been and continue to be...every week!!
Hal (Magnolia, AR)

servingHim said...

Appreciate it Popnre! I still get a kick out of finding new ways (for me) to present God's Word. Even though it hasn't turned into an "on-line teacher's meeting," I'm happy that God continues to bless the blog with good traffic.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

P.S. I'll be coming your way in Oct, passing thru L.R.