Friday, June 10, 2005

Tune in or miss out

Saddam’s trial was in the news this week. He may receive the death penalty. Interestingly, the article says, “The death sentence was part of the Iraqi legal system before the U.S.-led invasion two years ago.” In other words, if Saddam receives a death penalty it will be based on laws established under his own rule. Ezekiel 7:27 states that the LORD would judge the Jewish people of Judah “by their own standards.” Wrong values lead to wrong standards, but living by the Lord’s values leads to mercy.

Check out the quick “tune out” lead in to this lesson by Brad Shockley, pastor of Cedar Hill Baptist Church, Cedar Hill, TN. I don’t need a hearing aid; men have an innate ability to “tune out” others and that gets us (or me!) busted sometimes. You might hear some interesting stories if you ask spouses to relate an instance when they were “tuned out” by their mate and trouble followed. The Judahites “tuned out” the Lord, lived by their own values (see Ezekiel 5:7-13), and suffered terrible consequences.

1 comment:

Marty Duren said...

Hey Dude,

In my opinion, all types of preaching have their place and they really should all be used from time to time.

Even established churches can benefit from spurts of creativity and expository preaching isn't always the best choice to accomplish that.

God's word is God's word and when it is taught as clearly and simply as possible it will roar.