Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Picture of hope

When Ezekiel delivered his vision of God’s glory occupying the future temple, it inspired hope for the distraught nation of Israel then in exile. How can we Americans understand the hope they might have felt for national renewal?

First, share this image that paints a picture of hope, to which Americans can relate. For background information see: Image paints picture of hope. Discuss what hope Americans experienced after the 9/11 attacks.

Second, as Christians, we experience a personal hope of day-by-day renewal, and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God, and we have hope in the promises of God. Our hope is in Christ.

An expression of Christian hope is found in a personal poem: Freedom Realized, Healing Journey Begins. Share this poem with the class and see if they can identify the personal hope it expresses. Ask, “In what ways do we express our confidence?”

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