Thursday, July 21, 2005

Threatening interpretations

Driving with my teenage nephew yesterday, he noticed a yellow warning sign indicating that a church was ahead. He lamented, “Wow! That’s sad. Citizens are warned about the presence of a church. What has the world come to?” His interpretation is nothing compared to the threats Christians in Iraq face.

How do you read the chapters of Ezekiel associated with this lesson on “How to live in a threatening world”? Do you find it threatening that the events in these passages (1) may have already happened, (2) are yet to happen, or (3) are symbolic of what continually happens to people that belong to the living God? Dr. Sam Tullock, Pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church, Wylie, Texas, and a professor in the History Department at Collin County Community College in Plano, Texas writes about these possible interpretations in his lesson commentary.

My daughter recently found out that she may be included as part of a work force reduction in the company where she works. The threat to her well-being is real, but I know that God has a plan for her life and I trust Him to work thru the situation for her good. Regardless of when the events portrayed in Ezekiel 38-39 happen, these scriptures reveal that God has a plan and that He is faithful.

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