Saturday, July 30, 2005

Hope to find material on the web

LifeWay’s leadership guide, or commentary for the teacher, is not usually found on the web, but in case yours is out of reach, try this link for tomorrow’s lesson on “How to live with hope.” The student commentary is posted at this link.

When I worked as a computer industry analyst, my boss liked to have a one-page summary of a topic. Here is a single page version of this lesson from Decatur Baptist, and another one from Cornerstone Baptist. A web page (longer than 11”) commentary on the lesson was posted by Milo Baptist Church.

Sometimes I forget about the Holman Christian Standard Translation, but here is the lesson passage from Ezekiel 40-48.

A forum exists that gives you have access to a Teacher's Helps Guidesheet/Answers if you sign up, but I have not explored this material.

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