Thursday, August 11, 2005

Preset boundaries

In chapter 17 of their book Every Man, God’s Man, Steven Arterburn and Kenny Luck challenge men to stand firm in faith by setting boundaries in advance. These “fences” liberate a man to finish the course in faith. On page 198 the authors offer sample boundaries, which I list below. Share these with your class and discuss the idea of setting predetermined boundaries to help us stand firm in faith. Remind the class that Daniel practiced this discipline. For example, when offered gifts he immediately declined. He had set a boundary to not accept gifts.

1. Blocking pay-per-view option at the hotel front desk
2. Refusing to make low-blow putdowns during marital disagreements
3. Saying no when asked to do things on weekends that don’t involve the whole family
4. Never being alone with a woman who is not your wife
5. Turning the channel when there’s gratuitous skin on the tube
6. Refusing to keep self-destructive secrets from your wifeNever making a significant financial or family decision without first consulting your wife.

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