Friday, September 02, 2005

Confidence, not shame

My confidence was sinking in the flood of misery from New Orleans as I watched or read the major news outlets. Every bit of unhappiness, gloom, or doubt they heard, they quickly shared. So I turn off the TV and pitched out the local newspaper.

Today, I volunteered at a local Red Cross shelter, and while I helped evacuees, I talked and listened to their stories. In the conversations, I heard what they thought of the future. It was filled with hope and confidence. They were unsure of what might happen tomorrow, but they were confident their lives would be restored in the future. Most thanked God and placed their faith in Him. It was encouraging and uplifting to help them.

As I worked along side fellow Americans today and I was not ashamed. I believe we will succeed in helping to rebuild the lives of those devastated by Katrina. Similarly, Paul was not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He knew it held the power of God to restore relationships lost to Him (Romans 1:16). America holds the power to restore the lives of evacuees.

Put these statements on a slide and read them with your class. Which ones build confidence in the gospel of Jesus Christ?

- I can volunteer to help as opposed to just giving money
- I will be safe because the people are needy
- I love Jesus Christ and He loves people and so will I after meeting them
- I want to make a difference using the resources God has given me
- I will enjoy talking to people that I am helping
- I will be so proud of myself for sharing the love of Christ with others
- Others will follow my example of obedience
- Thousands of other people are helping and I can too
- I can take the time to do this
- Lives will get easier because of efforts to represent Christ
- Others are there to support and help me when I need it
- I will be stronger as a result of sharing the gospel I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

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