Friday, January 06, 2006

Well, to be honest…

Step 5 of “Live in Love” is based on Romans 12:17-21. Holman CSB translates verse 17 as “try to do what is honorable in everyone’s eyes.” Does this mean we should try to please everyone? Rick Warren says 'no' in his piece “How to please everyone”. For a humorous treatment of how to please everyone, read this piece by Dennis Crawford.

In the divided culture of today, what is honorable (honest) in everyone’s eyes? How have you seen honesty demonstrated in the church? At work? Elsewhere? Was it demonstrated ‘in love’? A humorous comic highlights the difference. Do you use the phrase “to be honest…” in your speech? Why? Is honesty always the best policy? I like the photo of the “Honest Cheaters” used car dealer. Lastly, you could discuss why Abe Lincoln was called “Honest Abe.”

Ask class members to phrase an epitaph they would like written on their tombstone based on any verse from Romans 12:9-21.

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