Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Where do you draw the line?

For Step 2 of the LifeWay lesson “Consider Others”, use a 5-point rating scale of “never critical, rarely critical, sometimes critical, often critical, always critical” and ask “How would you rate your attitude about the convictions of others?” Also ask, “How would others rate your attitude about the convictions of others?” We learn to consider others in a library, but what about other believers in church?

The LifeWay Leader Guide asks (pg. 94), “On which issues do you find yourself being critical rather than considerate of other believers? Some suggestions: chronic late comers; people bringing a water bottle, or cup of Starbucks into the worship center; inert people that never say a word; divisive people; believers who lack discernment, or incorrectly apply the Scriptures; believers who criticize traditional holiday themes such as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. A church bulletin says “Please consider others by ending all conversations as you are seated.” Does that require the strong in faith to become weak, or the weak in faith to become strong?

An exercise you might try is to have members trace the outline of their hand on a piece of paper and compare it to others around them. Say, “Assume your hand represents your convictions. Are any two hands the same?” Of course not, but we accept each other as Paul advises us to do in Romans 14:1-2.

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