Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Lucky, or what?

We are learning this week that “Growth is Intentional” from 2 Peter 1:1-11. Peter mentions perseverance in verse 6, which brings to mind the adage that “practice makes perfect”, not luck.

I remember an offensive drill that ball carriers practiced to help them learn not to fumble. A running back ran with the football on a narrow path between two lines of defenders who forearmed, shoved, and otherwise tried to force him to give up the ball. He would enter the shoot on one end and the defenders would knock him around as he made his way to the other end, hopefully still carrying the football.

Like a running back that learns to hold on to the ball in trying times, a Christian perseveres in the faith during life’s trials. We learn to do this by practicing the dicipline of prayer, living in personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and regular fellowship with other Christians.

This article discusses the role of “luck” verses “hard work and determination” in the success of a basketball team. From a Christian perspective, there is no such thing as luck because the Bible teaches that God is in control.

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