Thursday, May 03, 2007

Up the Down Escalator

While studying our lesson “Growth is Intentional”, I read about the need for balance in our lives between legalism and complacency (see footnotes 1 and 9).

As teachers we must guard against false teaching and depend on the Holy Spirit to guide our class members and us into the truth. Has the Spirit lead you to understand Peter’s main point in 1 Peter 1:1-11?

The “Therefore” in verse 10 makes it key. Christians can be sure, or confident in their salvation. God has given us everything (v. 3) to escape corruption so that we won’t fall away and regress in our faith, for example, like believers did in Hebrews 5:11-13. Rather than digress and fall victim to false teaching we can grow more Christ-like by consistently applying Bible teaching about Jesus Christ to our lives.

To me, living in the world is somewhat akin to walking up a down escalator. The Spirit leads us to move upward in maturity, but the world forces us down if we cease to consistently apply Godly teaching in our lives. If we stop growing, the world will put us right back where we started (in terms of Christian maturity).

If you don't like the idea of walking up a down escalator, consider instead the idea of walking uphill to summit a mountain peak as illustrated in the photo.

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