Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sticky notes

This week we are studying 2 Peter 1:12-21, where we are reminded that “God’s Word is Essential”.

Post-it-Notes are a top selling office product used to help remind people of things they need to remember. At the beginning of the lesson, pass out sticky notes to members in your class while telling the story of how sticky notes were invented.

An objective of this lesson is to get members to remember to study God’s word each day. They can write Post-It-Notes during the lesson to help them remember to do this and place them as reminders at home, in their cars, and at work!


David Parker said...

In 2 Peter 1:12-15, it reminds me of the story about "Sharpening the Saw". Peter says he is going to remind us about these things even though we know them. We as Christians always need some on-the-job training. It never hurts, because the day we stop learning is the day we die.

Sharpening the Saw - Suppose you came upon someone in the woods working to saw down a tree. They are exhausted from working for hours. You suggest they take a break to sharpen the saw. They might reply, " I don't have time to sharpen the saw, I'm busy sawing!"

My 2 cents.

servingHim said...

Thanks for posting David. I've never been a big follower of Steven Covey and his "seven habits". The last of the seven is "Sharpening the Saw".

Your comment is spot on, however, we do need on-the-job training (OJT) since we are never "off duty" as a Christian.

It would make for some good discussion for us to define what is OJT for Christians? For instance, in life do we first bump our head on a low hanging limb and then go figure out what God's word says about the situtation, or do we anticipate situations ahead of time and prepare ourselves by studying the Word?