Thursday, June 21, 2007

PowerPoint presentation on Habakkuk

Paul Coulter offers a PowerPoint presentation on Habakkuk, which I think can be helpful in preparing this week’s lesson, “Await God’s Timing”. As Christians prepared to give a defense for our hope, we should be ready to give an answer to the question: “Why does God allow evil?” But Paul Coulter asks an interesting question, “Are we more caught up with blessings than with God?”


Anonymous said...

It is amazing to me that people judge their relationship with God, based on their economic success. When times are good, they claim that God is looking out for them, and vice versa when financial needs impact heavily on their lives. People don't "get" what the consequences of Sin is all about, nor how sin affects their lives. I have a friend who religiously attends church on Sundays after partying all night Friday and Saturday, knowing God will forgive her actions.... - As long as she is receiving God's blessings, she feels her actions are justified because of her current status in life. Praying diligently and gently correcting her misunderstanding has not proven fruitful. Perhaps this week she will endeavor to understand the word of God and apply it to her life.

Warmest Regards,

servingHim said...

Yes, LJ, you are right.

Let me encourage you to continue to pray for, and possibly even rebuke your friend. We cannot see how God is working behind the scenes to discipline her, but surely He is (Gal 6:7).

Only God can free a believer deceived by the philosophies of this world, and that only after someone like you carefully administers the Word (2 Tim 2:24-26). She is held captive by the forces of evil and she is missing living a life devoted to God.

Good to hear from you,