Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How I do my job

Step 2 of Do you seek the Lord’s Guidance underscores the importance of understanding the details of a job, or task in order to complete it successfully. Consider asking members to tell a neighbor “how they do their job”. For fun, afterwards have a few members explain how someone else does their job.

Here is a story on the way blogging changed how one person does her job. Ask members to identify factors that changed how the reporter does her job. Apparently, the Lord is not a factor.

Read the quote below from this story and identify how the person does his job. He leaves God out, too, yet he is apparently successful. Why?

“When I broadcast, I wear my feelings on my sleeve. I let the game dictate to me how I do my job. I don't prepare a lot of statistical notes, my institutional memory is what I depend on. I never know where they're coming from or when they're going to be there, sometimes they don't mean anything and sometimes they mean more than others.”

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