Monday, April 21, 2008

When presented with challenging tasks, Genesis 47

Co-teacher Curt did yeoman’s work teaching the lesson yesterday. He took time to put it into context, and then carefully worked thru the truth and application of each focal passage. He ended with a nice summary. I hope your lesson went well, too!

Proverbs 22:29 came to mind as I started reading this week’s lesson, “When Presented with Challenging Tasks”, based on Genesis 41:1-57. Joseph was skilled (at interpreting dreams), and he served before Kings—Pharaoh.

As you read chapter 47, take note of how much and how fast Joseph must have impressed Pharaoh. It’s incredible that so much responsibility would have been turned over to him so quickly.

One way to start this lesson is to share the story of a man who made a huge impression and got the job.

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