Monday, August 04, 2008

Ephesus-Facing Religious People, Acts 18:23-19:41

Given the “question lesson plan”, members were very interactive as I taught yesterday’s lesson, “Athens: Facing Questions”. It was a welcome change from the rut I’ve been in lately. I added a slide suggested by a last-minute email from Lifeway referencing questions Jesus asked in Mark. It was a great way to warm up the class to answering questions presented in the lesson.

This week’s lesson, "Ephesus: Facing Religious People" is a challenge to teach, I think, but co-teacher Curt is in the saddle this week, so I’m studying it just to keep up.

Dr. Jim’s commentary on the lesson starts with this question, “On Saturday Morning if two people knock on your door; will it be Baptists from the nearby church? Sadly it will likely be some religious people from one of the cults.”

This lead me to think of discerning fakes as in knock-off, copy-cat, or look-alike products.

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