Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Jesus made me into ...

An interesting point is raised in Mark 1: 16-20, the verses for Step 3 of the lesson, “How Can Jesus Help Me?” . In v17, Jesus said, “I will make you fishers of men.” He used the occupation of the disciples to help them understand His plan and a new purpose He had in mind.

How is that true in the lives of people in your class today? How did Jesus make your class members into new people? Did He make a banker of money into a banker of people? A developer of software into a developer of people?

Here is a list of occupations. Select a handful and put these on a list to present to the class, and ask them how Jesus would remake that person to serve His purpose. Put “fishermen” first on the list as an example and note how Jesus remade Peter, Andrew, James and John into fishers of men.

This should lead to discussion of how Jesus has “made” the members of your class (that are Christians) to serve His purposes (perhaps even using their occupational skills).

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