Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Ask a question

I like the comments by Troy Bush on the lesson “Concern of God” because of his explanation that Paul is writing to the church in Rome to address the “tension or conflict” between Jewish and Gentile believers. This creates a question in my mind: what was the cause of the tension in the church?

Step 3 is based on Romans 11:5-6. The point is that Jews and Christians do not think alike. To make this point, use the illustration given by Moishe Rosen (see Rabbinic Evangelism section) of asking a question: “Two men fall down a chimney. One comes out clean and the other dirty. Which one washes?”

Unbelievers and Christians do not think alike either. Read the article “Rabbinic Questioning—A Better Way to Evangelize” before class and present the nut of it in a slide covering its basic principles. This is an opportunity to be very practical by engaging members to think of questions they can ask unbelievers. In doing so, they are practicing the “Concern of God” to rehearse how to help unbelievers experience salvation.

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