Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Discouraged, but encouraged

Step 2 of this week’s LifeWay lesson “Concern of God” is based on Romans 11:1-4. I get the idea that in Paul’s day very few Jews accepted Jesus as the messiah. This was as discouraging at the time as it is today. But there is encouraging news there also. Paul says that the Jews have not been rejected (given up). Extending this truth to all men, the LifeWay commentary on page 34 says, Paul “declared God does not give up on reaching those without the gospel.” Based on your understanding of the Bible, do you think this conclusion is correct? (See Mark 3:28-30 and Matthew 7:23) Discuss this with the class.

God encouraged Elijah by letting him know about 7,000 other believers. Are there unbelievers about whom you are discouraged? We cannot fathom the ways in which God works, but we know that He is working to manifest His mercy and grace in the lives of all men.

In this step, after covering the verses I will allow class members to discuss their discouragement about specific unbelievers. After doing so, my prayer is that they will be comforted as God comforted Elijah.

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