Monday, February 27, 2006

Do You Rebel? Isaiah 1:1-4:6

In terms of behavior, where does tradition end and rebellion start? Where is the boundary that marks rebellion when it’s crossed?

Isaiah 1:3-4 holds some clues. The rebellious don’t understand or know the LORD. Having turned their back on Him, they are corrupt evildoers, and they are loaded with guilt. LORD, help us repent from such a condition! If your life is like an arrow shot toward a target, are you on path, or are you headed off on a wild shot?

From Isaiah 1:2, note the rebellious are the LORD’s children, so Isaiah is writing to “sheep” that have rebelled. They can repent and get back on course to obeying GOD.

How can we picture a life that’s gone astray and is traveling on a path away from its intended target? A pinball?

Another idea comes from writing. Many times when I write a paragraph, it has mistakes in it. Reading back over the text, I can usually correct some of the mistakes. However, sometimes I need to read the text out loud. My ear hears mistakes that were missed when I read the text silently to myself. I can see lots of parallels to an errant Christian life.

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