Thursday, February 16, 2006

Give and go

Step 4 of the lesson, “Send the Light” makes the point that churches should send Christians with necessary support to do missionary work. It’s based on Paul’s hope expressed in Romans 15:24b-25.

This might be a good place to review the map locations of key points in Paul’s 3rd missionary journey. It will help members picture the geographic relationship Corinth, Jerusalem, Rome, and Spain. Clearly, giving must accompany sending a missionary. Here is a good review of why the Cooperative Program makes sense.

Travel is a necessary part of missionary work and financial support of missionaries is required. Based on prices from Global Tours, How much would it cost to repeat Paul’s trip today? How many days do you think Paul was out on the third journey?

How does the sports play “give and go” relate to Paul’s strategy as a missionary? First, he ‘gives’ to the Christians in Rome a letter. Then he ‘goes’ toward Spain and as he passes thru Rome, the Christians there give him support and encouragement. Do you think Paul made it to Spain?

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