Thursday, February 09, 2006

How do you see others?

Step 4 of “Glorify God” is all about accepting others. Why? It results in praising God. See Romans 15:7-12. How would you make the point that acceptance leads to God’s praise?

Christians are diverse if in no other way than in the choices they make, but does God want us to simply “swallow” our differences and pretend to be happy with one another? No. He wants us to receive one another as Christ received us.

Have members roll up a sheet of paper into a tube and look around the room through it. How well do they see others with the tube and without the tube? Perspective matters! Remind members that people have many differences, ideas, opinions, and alternatives as to what works for them.

Ask members to privately rate their perspective from 1 (least) to 5 (most) on: “How accepting are you of others? How respectful is your speech toward others? How well do you resolve issues with others? How much do you engage in gossip about others?

Lead the class in prayer and ask God to lead us to accept others as Christ accepts each of us.

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