Tuesday, February 28, 2006

True worship

Google “true worship” and you get 453,000 search results, but “empty worship” yields only 778. Seems like there are lot’s of opinions on what's “true worship”. How do you define true worship?

In this lesson “Do you rebel?” the LORD called into question the definition of worship as practiced by the Judahites. Step 3 identifies the empty worship practices of the Jews using Isaiah 1:11-15.

In his sermon February 19 on “Authentic Worship,” Voddie Baucham defined true worship using Psalm 96 as a text. Listen to Voddie’s sermon and prepare to lead members to identify empty worship practices of today and contrast these with what should be true worship as defined in the Bible.

Alternatively, put the focus on God in your class by using the Biblical riddle found in this document, which goes on to outline the elements of CHANGE that are causing today’s worship wars. Voddie quoted Bruce H. Leafblad’s definition of authentic worship, which is something like: “True worship happens when we set our mind’s attention and our heart’s affection on the Lord, praising Him for who He is and what He’s done.”

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