Monday, April 03, 2006

Do what?

“Do you take your burdens to the Lord?” is the next to last lesson in the unit Trust the Living God. It is based on Isaiah 32:1-39:8, but focuses on Isaiah 37:10-12,14-20,33-37. Study questions for the lesson series from Isaiah are posted on courtesy of “sonshine”. Thanks sonshine, your willingness to share with other teachers is inspiring. I’ve already forwarded the questions to my class!

Use roll play to introduce the lesson. Divide your class into two groups and have one group roll play a Christian brother that advocates actions based on a belief that God is in control, and have the other group roll play an unbelieving sister that advocates actions believing that God doesn’t exist, or doesn’t care, or is too busy. Read the story that follows and note member responses as you ask each group to call out their answers separately.

Afterwards, you pick three suggestions you believe to offer the most promise. Ask, can you think of an associated Bible verse for these suggestions? If they can't, that's okay. The purpose is to cause members to start thinking of equating God's Word with solutions to problems in life.

Lastly, ask members to consider what worries they have personally. Tell them this lesson will help them decide to take their problems to the Lord in prayer.

Story to read:

Joe doesn’t like his job, but at the same time, he’s afraid he might lose it. “The boss is unfair!”, he says. But that’s not the case. Joe often blames others when a situation doesn’t go his way. His failure to be financially responsibility has ruined his credit, and to make matters worse he’s drinking often now. Joe can be a fun, energetic guy, but he’s headed into depression. He never attends church or a Bible study. As his brother (or sister) how would you advise Joe?

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