Monday, April 17, 2006

What have you done?

A common prescription for stressed out and over busy lives is to take ten (10) steps to simplify your life. Instead, this week’s lesson challenges us to “Take Comfort in God’s Strength”. Based on Isaiah 40:1-43:28, Isaiah 40:1-8, 10-11, 27-31, it’s the first lesson under the theme “Find Hope in God’s Greatness”.

Where do you look for help and comfort when you’re stressed to the point of giving up? Go shopping? Eat your favorite food? Veg on the couch? Call a friend? Change jobs? Decide to move? Paul received comfort from God, which overflowed to comfort others.

The Israelites were in Babylonian captivity, and the words of the prophet Isaiah provided comfort. Read the lyrics of “The Gift” from rock band Seethers and ask what does the “singer” of the lyrics want? How would you describe his/her state? Could he/she find comfort in God’s strength?

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