Thursday, April 27, 2006

Worshipping God relieves burdens

“Worship that burdens” titles Step 4 of lesson “Worship no other”. It’s based on Isaiah 46:1-2, which guides us to understand that worshipping “false gods” only creates a burden. They have no power to save even themselves let alone help us in difficult times.

Contrasted with “Our Burden-Bearing God”, false gods are useless when trouble comes.

Carry a small traveling bag to class and pack it full of possessions from your closet, or personal vanity. Open the bag in front of the class and hold up some of the items and say, “I just love these, but they are useless in helping with the loneliness I feel when I’m traveling and separated from my family. They are just dead weight for me to carry around. Only God gives me hope and assurance.”

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