Friday, December 14, 2007

Are you good at following directions?

Pastor Jim McCullen titles step 4 of “Aspire to walk with God” in his lesson commentary as “Committed To Follow Instructions”, which raises the issue of how good are we at following directions?
How good are you at following directions? Take this test.
Yesterday, driving to Dallas, I noticed a billboard on I-45 that said,

—the map is in my book.

P.S. Below are some lesson questions taken from First Baptist Church, Chester, Illinois (I copied them since the link is not sticky).

Sunday School Questions for December 16
Aspire to Walk With God
Lesson Passage Genesis 6:9-18, 22

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is how we, as Southern Baptists, reach out to our missionaries across the world. Have you given your Lottie Moon Christmas Offering yet? How would it be, if next Sunday, our class gave our's together? What was that last commandment we studied in Matthew 28:19?

Let's dig into this week's lesson-
Tell the class your name for the sake of those of us with bad memories or for our guests and then tell us how you got to school when you were in the fourth grade.In a week's time, how far do you think you walk? What is the farthest you have ever walked in one day? When you walk, is it easier to walk with a friend or loved one or do you prefer to walk alone?

Would you describe your walk with God as a daily event? As you walk with Him, do you do all the talking or do you allow Him to speak to you? How does that work? Do you ever allow the things of this world to distract you from walking with God?How would you describe Noah? How are you like or different from him? Can we all agree that if we walk with God as Noah did that we can overcome the challenges of our culture and our environment? Do you think our world today is more corrupt or less corrupt than it used to be? Why?What were the names of Noah's three sons? In what ways do you think Noah's integrity and allegiance to God affected his wife and sons? In your opinion, were they likely to have always supported him and his devotion to God?

When you are faced with immorality and corruption is it easy to continue your walk with God? When you have seen someone refuse to participate in the corrupt behavior of others, what do you think of them? What do you think allows them to refuse to participate? Noah followed God's leadership and led a life that met with God's approval. On a scale of one to ten, with ten being highest; how would you rate your own spiritual walk with God?

In Genesis 1:31a, God was pleased with all He had created and now we see God regretting that He had made them. In comparison of these moments in history; what contrast do you see? What does this tell us about the nature of sin?

Can you recall an incident in your childhood when you received a strict penalty from your parents for some wrongdoing? What did you do to cause your parent's grief? At the time, did you feel that they were fair or unjust in their discipline? In retrospect, how do you feel about it now? Are you grateful for their concern now that you are older and wiser? In your mind, was God's treatment of Noah's contemporaries justified or was he too severe? Why?

Would you agree or disagree with this statement; "We are so used to God's mercy that we abuse His grace and then complain that it is not enough when He grants it."? Defend your answer. When we look at all the natural calamities that have occurred recently, is God speaking to us or are they simply "accidents of nature"?Someone read Genesis 6:22. How was Noah able to do what God asked? In your life, how do you respond when God tells you to do something you may not understand or that seems too difficult? So far, what has your faith cost you? Do you walk with hesitation with God because you fear what might lie ahead? How has this lesson on Noah's faith and obedience encouraged you? Let's pray.

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