Saturday, December 22, 2007

Lesson plans and questions

You might consider Bob O’Haver’s commentary on the lesson, “Accept God’s Promised Savior.” He has some neat features on his site, like roll-over Bible verse pop-ups. Cool!

Does anyone know what happened to the website for Milo Baptist Church? The URL is no longer valid. It’s odd that a church would allow the validity of its domain name to laspe.

Below are some lesson questions taken from First Baptist Church, Chester, Illinois (I copied them since the link is not sticky). Below those I also copied a few lesson questions from Manchester Baptist Church.

Sunday School Questions for December 23
Accept God's Promised Savior
Lesson Passage John 1:1-18

The holidays can be a very busy time for us. We need to be sure we make time for ourselves and more importantly, make time for God. The lesson today will allow us to see the glory of God by seeing the humanity of Jesus. As we saw in Genesis 1:3; the creation of light dispelled the darkness on the first day of creation and we see today how the light of Jesus pierced through the darkness of sin.

Let's dig in-
Share your name with the class and tell us about a gift you returned and why or a gift you gave that you know was returned.

What reasons can you give for not accepting a gift from someone? How does it make you feel when someone refuses to accept a gift from you?

Does the introduction to John's Gospel remind you of the introduction of any other Book in the Bible?

Verse 1 speaks in a paradox, who can tell us what a paradox is? Who is the "The Word"? What do these opening verses tell us about baby Jesus? Is it difficult to understand that even as an infant, Jesus was already ageless and timeless?

If Jesus were to stand visibly before you today and ask, "Who do you say I am?" how would you answer? Would your response be any different from what these Scriptures teach? How so?
Will someone read verse 5 to us? What does this verse mean to you?

Imagine you are at Christmas dinner at your non-Christian relative's house and the conversation turns to Jesus, how would you explain the Divinity of Jesus to those present?
How would you describe in your own words John the Baptist's messages about himself and about Jesus?

Can we all agree that John the Baptist had the role as Jesus' forerunner to bear testimony to the Deity of Jesus? A definition of a witness is someone who provides facts, not personal opinions. Are you a witness like John the Baptist? Do you convey the truth about Jesus' identity?

How does God provide means today to point people to Jesus? When you hear other Christians witness about Jesus, how do you usually feel? If you are not totally supportive of a fellow believer's testimony what does that say about you? What do you need to do about it?

What is the difference between knowing Christ and knowing about Christ? Honesty Time!- Which describes you best, do you know Him or know about Him?

Are all people, Christian or not, considered to be "children of God"? Those who receive Jesus as Savior and Lord are granted the awesome gift of becoming the children of God. What does this mean to you? What does this tell us about the nature of God's gift? What are the privileges and responsibilities of being called a child of God? In your opinion, what is (or would be) the greatest blessing involved in being a child of God?

John 1:14-18 proclaims that Jesus Christ was fully God in human form, the meaning of Incarnation. God made Himself known through Christ. How does this Christmas lesson reinforce your need for Christ? If you have never received Jesus as your personal Savior, what is holding you back? If you have, how will you take greater initiative to tell nonbelievers, even those non-Christian relatives, about who Jesus is and what He has done for you? Let's pray!

From Manchester Baptist Church:

Accept God's Promised Savior

Those who receive Jesus by faith become God's children.
~~John 1:1-18~~

Why is it significant that Jesus participated with the Father in creation? (1:3)
Why did John repeatedly refer to Jesus as light? (1:8-9)
How can we explain that Jesus' own people did not accept Him? (1:11)
How can we witness effectively to persons in our world? (1:15)

Study Questions

What title did John give to Jesus? (1:1)
How could Jesus have participated in creation? (1:3)
What divinely ordained task did John the Baptist fulfill? (1:7)
What do believers in Jesus receive? (1:12)
Who reveals God fully? (1:18)

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