Thursday, December 20, 2007


I enjoy reading each week Dr. Sam Tullock’s commentary on the Exlore the Bible lesson, which this week is “Accept God’s Promised Savior”. I can relate to his writing since he is in the trenches as a teacher, and is not just a hired gun commentator.

You might say, I ‘receive’ his teaching—knowing the source from which it comes, and the humility with which it is offered. I’ve never met Dr. Tullock personally, so I only know him thru his words. However, by receiving his teaching he is a blessing to me.

Jesus’ own people did not receive Him according to John 1:11. Unlike my virtual relationship with Dr. Tullock, they met Jesus personally, observed His behavior, and listened to Him talk. In Jesus, they could see God in action as a man, yet they did not receive Him. They missed a blessing.

Ask members to think of people they receive, and what blessings stem from the relationship. Perhaps reading excerpts from this story will help members recall the blessings they have received.

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