Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Invisible, but present word

I’m reading The Call, by Os Guinness, and on p. 64 he makes a point about the Lord that I think is relevant to the lesson, “Accept God’s Promised Savior”. He says, “Words are the deepest, fullest expression in which God now discloses himself to us, beginning with His calling us, So it is in listening to Him, trusting Him and obeying Him when He calls that we ‘let God be God’ in all His majesty.”

This is key, because as Os points out, God does not reveal Himself to us in pictures, or objects, but in words. The Lord is invisible and inconceivable to our natural senses. Understanding that God reveals Himself to us with words, helps us dig into the Bible to know the Savior. Jesus was the incarnate word, or mind of God.

Of course there is no perfect analogy, but gravity is an invisible power that demands our obedience. It hurts when we fall.

The idea of a trace is a little technical, but it illustrates the notion of an invisible word—a word that’s present in a sentence, but not visible.

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