Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Filled with disgust

See comments by Mike Dawson: “Aspire to Walk with God” for an interesting example of a band member “skipping to stay in step.” That’s a practical discipline for sure!

Step 3 is concerned with God’s judgment as recorded in Genesis 6:11-13. The earth was filled with something other than what God intended.

Last week, Frito Lay wrongly filled bags of Lay’s Classic Potato Chips with Lay's Cheddar & Sour Cream Flavored Potato Chips. They made a judgment to recall the 2,460 errant bags.

Ask members if they have ever discovered their garden infested with bugs that kill the flowers, or fire ants that have a painful bite? If so, what did they do about it? My guess is they applied a bug killer to wipe out the infestation. God was disgusted that his creation was filled with other than what He intended.


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, has five (5) free videos from Evan Almighty. They are some rather cool videos about Evan/Noah. I am going to use "Evan Almighty - Clip 3" to talk about Obeying God's Instructions. is a nice resource. Check it out.

servingHim said...

I like the suggested clip!

Don't get too deep, but what do you all think of the theology in this clip from Evan Almighty: The Meaning of the flood?