Friday, May 30, 2008

A question based lesson plan

First Baptist Church, Chester, Illinois posted its Sunday School Questions for the lesson, "Empowered to Witness" (I reproduced the questions below since the link above is not sticky).

Their tact is very different than that of Jeff Meyer's, which I posted yesterday. If you use the question-based plan, at some point you have to insert the reading of at least the key verses. Otherwise, the lesson is just a discussion that's not centered on a Bible passage.

Empowered to Witness
Lesson Passage Acts 1:1-2:47

-Tell the class your name and tell us if you have ever been called to testify in a court of law.
-Have you ever warned someone of a potential physical danger? If someone was about to pick-up a downed power-line that you knew was still live, wouldn't you tell them? Most of us would agree that we would have no problem warning others of eminent danger, sooo... why do we have difficulty in warning others against an eternity spent without Christ?
-Jesus had given a seemingly impossible mission: to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria, and throughout the earth. How were His followers supposed to achieve this undertaking?
-What did the Disciples expect to happen according to verse 6? If you had been part of that group that day, how would you have reacted to Jesus' words?
-In your own words, how would you explain the nature of the power that was given by the Holy Spirit to the Disciples? What was its purpose?
-How should churches and individual believers go about making decisions concerning what sort of ministries to be involved in? When a ministry decision needs to be made; do you worry about how much it will you worry about not having enough you worry that it is something we've never done here before?
-True or False? Relying on the power of the Holy Spirit gives a believer the ability to be obedient in doing whatever God requires of him or her.
-Quickly someone tell us about the individual miracles that occurred in Acts 2:1-4. Do you believe God still brings about miracles like these today? Have you experienced any miracles? What was your experience? If you haven't experienced a miracle or you doubt that they still happen, what would it take for you to believe in the Holy Spirit's power?
-What was the purpose of God's using the Disciples to speak in languages they had never learned? Did the Holy Spirit quit working among men after that day in Jerusalem? Is there something that prevents you from depending on the Holy Spirit's power and help as a witness to others?
-Peter preached a powerful message. The Holy Spirit used his words to convict the hearts of thousands. What did Peter ask his listeners to do in response to his message? Why do you think Peter instructed the new believers to be baptized?
-Is personal evangelism an activity reserved for pastors, missionaries, deacons, or some kind of Super-Christians? Are you empowered by the Holy Spirit? What will you do with that power? As we close, pray that God would give you the desire, the power, and the opportunity to share your faith with someone this week.
-Next Sunday, the lesson is called "Empowered To Help". Study your lesson and read Acts 3:1-5:42. Answer this question; "When has the Holy Spirit worked through you to meet others' physical and spiritual needs?


Anonymous said...

I am reminded of a phrase I first heard in a Dr David Jeremiah broadcast several years ago; 'God's commandments are God's enablements'. I dont remember the base passage used at the time but none the less I think it applies to this weeks lesson. God's commandment = The Great Commission; God's enablement = through the power of His Holy Spirit.



Anonymous said...

We spoke of how daunting the task the 120 people must have felt as Jesus told them to go in Jerusalem, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the world. They most likely said “how are we few going to reach the world?” Then God sent them the Holy Spirit and 3000 new members who already lived in the other parts of the world and who would now go back home and share the message.

Imagine if you had a business and you had a great new product. Imagine if you were the only employee to start……..wouldn’t it be great to get 3000 new salesmen or women to go out and represent your product to get it out there and advertise it; to get that help you would need to promote your great product. That would be such a relief to get that support knowing they were all out there helping you do what you needed to do to get your product to the world.

That’s how the disciples felt when the 3000 were saved. They looked at each other, scratched their chins and realized that God was now starting up something bigger then they had ever really imagined.