Thursday, October 13, 2005

More about God’s grace

Step 5. For this week’s LifeWay lesson “What about God’s Grace?” from Romans 5:12-21. Summarize with “How do you explain God’s grace?” Try using a story such as The Lord’s Baseball Game. It makes clear the point that grace must come from God. I have a friend named Claude that loves to use humor. He would tell the Pearly Gates story to help define grace. I like "What's So Amazing About Grace?". It reminds me of Sister José Hobday’s story “The Ice Cream that Set Me Free,” which might be used to illustrate grace.

Since the aim of this lesson is to assist others in knowing more about God’s grace, you might want to put together a simple quiz on grace (see quiz 1 and 2 followed by the answers). But be careful! Quiz 1 states a belief that people can “fall from grace”, which is not possible (see Baptist Statement of Faith and Message).

Here is an alternative grace quiz. These two examples should give you an idea of how to put together a useful quiz that people should enjoy working thru. After people have an opportunity to work the quiz, then call out for volunteers to answer the questions. This way you won’t make any particular person feel uncomfortable.

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