Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Perspective gap

Step 3 for this week’s LifeWay lesson “What about God’s Grace?” from Romans 5:12-21.

Imagine you are looking into the mirrored side of a two-way mirror. Who do you see? If you see a ‘basically good person’, Troy Bush, writing in the Florida Baptist Witness says, “Grace becomes a kind act by our God, but it loses its extraordinary character….all we need is a bit of help from a friendly God.” But what if you see yourself as God sees you?

Imagine God looking at you through the other side of the two-way mirror. Who does He see? According to Romans 5:6, He sees you as completely helpless, and not just someone who needs a “little assistance.” Granting righteousness to you by grace is now seen as “an unexplainable act of justice and love.” Is there a gap in how you view yourself verses how God’s views you? If so, there is a gap in your experience with God’s grace.

Furthermore, Troy clarifies a subtle point about our experience with grace. Suppose you both see yourself as completely helpless and you understand that Christ died for your sins. If you fall into this category, then do you see yourself as deserving justification? Well, “The gift is not like the trespass” (Romans 5:15). The gift of righteousness is not bestowed automatically as is a sinful nature. Righteousness must be given. God’s gift (grace) is undeserved! We do not merit His favor.

What is your experience with God’s grace? Is there a separation in how you view grace and how God views it? Can you sing Amazing Grace all out?

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