Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Obedience and liberty...huh?

Confused? Paul began Romans 6:15-16 with a question. The LifeWay Leadership guide suggests questioning members about a list of things they did yesterday. To get started, read over the list of “things I did yesterday” from paint spattered jeans and answer these questions: Which activities, if any, show obedience to God? How so? Also, cover this list from Cardboard.

In his commentary on this LifeWay lesson “Given Eternal Life,” based on Romans 6:15-23, Troy Bush notes the Fred Factor. Troy says, “Obedience and liberty may not seem compatible, but in Christ they result in a passion that the world recognizes as extraordinary.”

Fred’s way of living inspires others, whereas this individual was turned off by “street preachers.” By the way I live, do I inspire others or switch them off to the gospel?

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