Thursday, October 27, 2005

Secrets of the self-life

Bill Elliott spoke at our Wednesday evening service last night and likened the game of life to a baseball game (the Astros made it to the World Series for the first time). Bill made the point that if we are to grow spiritually, we must experience nine innings of repentance from secrets of the self-life.

These nine secrets are crippling sins, and until we suffer pain of exposing their fallacy, we cannot grow in maturity.

1. A secret spirit of pride.
2. Love of human praise.
3. Stirrings of anger and impatience from self-importance.
4. A critical spirit, quick to find fault in others.
5. An un-teachable spirit, stubborn or headstrong.
6. Rationalizing personal sin as “the way I am”.
7. A secret spirit of envy, or jealous disposition.
8. Straining the truth, lying.
9. A spirit of discouragement, disposition of worry, lack of trust in God.

Post up a yearbook photo and ask members to recall the time they were that age. Ask, “We have obviously grown physically, but how have we grown spiritually?” Lead the class to identify and confess personal instances of these sins. Challenge members to grow not only by confession, but also by repentance.

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