Monday, November 14, 2005

Clapping and praising

When you take a job someplace, you begin to enjoy certain benefits as soon as you join. For example, you normally tell others about your new affiliation, which is profitable to your reputation. Later you’ll realize other benefits such as health insurance, or retirement plan participation. God ordained work and we praise Him for it.

Likewise we praise God for benefits we receive from His gift of salvation. Immediately we have a new identity, which we tell others about. Paul tells us what privileges we have as joint heirs with Christ. Praise God by giving Him a hand.

In the Lifeway lesson “Adopted as God’s Children” based on Romans 8:15-27, the study questions from NetBible Institute says it this way: “Paul takes time to reveal to his listeners this powerful and magnanimous gift that God has bestowed upon us.”

To get started, use a discussion about the benefits we received from affiliations with various organizations such as places of employment, membership in professional organizations, or user groups/clubs. Or I like the idea of making an Art Poster in the class by having members add praises to it as they enter into the room. You get started by having the basic poster ready to go with plenty of markers nearby. Encourage others to add their praises. As the lesson progresses, we may add other praises to it on the fly!

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